Explanation of Grades

Explanation of Grades

Explanation of grades and available grading scales. 

In order to evaluate the candidates in a predictable and reusable way, predefined grading scales are used. Inspera Assessment supports the following grading scales: 

  • Approved / Not approved
  • Pass/Fail
  • 1 to 6 where "6" is the highest grade and "1" is the lowest grade
  • 1 to 10 where "10" is the highest grade and "1" is the lowest grade 
  • A to F where "A" is the highest grade and "F" is the lowest grade

Additionally, these grading scales are configurable:

  • VG, G, U
  • AB, Ba, B, U
  • 5, 4, 3, U

You choose the desired grading scale in the setup process of a new exam. In step 3, Assessment settings, you choose one of the available grading scales: 

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