Login issues

Login issues


Recommended routines for helping Feide and Non-Feide candidates log in to their exams. 


Login Incident 01

Candidate with Feide account can't log in.

Symtom: Candidate is unable to log in using the Feide account.

Possible causes: Candidate user errors or Feide Service is down.


1: Check if the candidate is using the Feide Login feature

2: Check if the Candidate is selecting the right institution in Feide

3: Check if the candidate is using correct Username and Password

Ask Candidate to log in with the same Feide account in another Feide service (Fronter or ItsLearning or similar).

4: Still no good? Feide might be down. Continue to Planner procedure for If Feide is down

Feide downtime affect all candidate login attempts and is normally discovered by Inspera Central Monitoring Services.




Login Incident 02

Non-Feide Candidates can't log in.

Symtom: Candidate is unable to log in via "...or with registered user".

Possible causes: Candidate user errors or wrong login information. 


1: Check if the Candidate is using the correct URL

This is normally https://XXX.inspera.no where XXX is the institution initials.

2: Check if the Candidate is using the "... or with registered user" Login feature

3: Check if the candidate is using correct Username and Password.

Compare with the PDF with candidate login information if anonymous one-time users have been created.






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