

Get started as grader in Inspera 


How-To Guides


Read deliveries on paper

This article describes how to download and print candidate deliveries. 

Grade candidates

This article describes how to set grades directly for each candidate. 


Confirm your grades

This article describes how to confirm own grades when you have completed your own grading. 

Complete Final Grades

This article describes how to complete final grades when all graders have completed their own grading.

Confirm Final Grades

This article describes how to confirm final grades when all graders have completed the final grading.

Download Grading Protocol

Procedure for downloading a signature-ready grading protocol

Explanation of Grades

Explanation of grades and available grading scales.

Threshold Values

Understanding threshold values

Override automatic scores

Procedure for override score on automatically scored questions

Grading not Ready?

Grade Filters

Focus your marking by filtering on question types, candidate status, marking status ++

Grading Event Log

If Shared marks has been activated, the Grading Event Log is visible in the right panel in the Grading tool

Grading Oral Exams

Sharing grader comments with candidates

Share comments and correct answers with candidates

Grader - Candidate list in Grading

The candidate list in grading gives the grader a better overview of the grading process.

Group exam - candidate list in Grading

The candidate list in grading gives the Planner and Grader a better overview of the grading process.

Workflow settings

  • Individual marksUse Individual marks to allow each grader to mark every question and candidate individually, as opposed to Shared marks
  • Shared marksUse Shared marks to allow graders to build a single total mark pr candidate, as opposed to Individual marks
  • Collaborative Grade ConfirmationUse Collaborative Grade Confirmation if you want to require all graders to actively Confirm Final Grades, as opposed to Quick-confirming Final Grades, which allows one grader to confirm all grades on behalf of the others.
  • Quick-confirm Final GradesUse Quick-confirm Final Grades to allow one grader to confirm Final grades on behalf of the committee / other graders, as opposed to requiring every grader to actively Confirm Final Grades.

Planners role

Grading with Excel

How to import and export grades as xls-format.

Scantron sketches for graders
