Exam Day

Exam Day

Invigilator Procedures

When a candidate is experiencing problems during an exam, the Invigilator is always the first line of support. The following procedures are designed to empower invigilators to resolve these issues swiftly. If this is not possible, the procedures also include alternative solutions for Chief Invigilators and Planners


Login issues

Recommended routines for helping Feide and Non-Feide candidates log in to their exams.

Safe Exam Browser issues

Invigliator procedures for Safe Exam Browser Incidents

Loss of Internet

Recommended routines for managing candidates with loss of internet connectivity.

Other incidents

Inspera Invigilation Tools

Verify the validity of the SEB versions for MAC and Windows



Fallback Procedures 

Planners and Chief Invigilators Guides for effective problem solving. 

Replacing a candidate computer during exam

General procedure for helping candidates with technical problems resuming exams on substitute hardware

If Feide is down

Recommended fallback-procedure for creating new, one-time users and distributing alternative user names and passwords to candidates

Switching a candidate to paper

Recommended routines for switching candidates to paper