Learning Analytics

Learning Analytics


As part of our mission to replace traditional reports with integrated data and predictive analytics across all Inspera tools, this first step is bringing Classical Test Theory (CTT) into the Item Bank for all questions in a test.

Later, we will offer more advanced reporting based on Item Response Theory (IRT) psychometrics analysis. Reporting will therefore not be limited to the context of a specific exam or test. By combining IRT with a more flexible Content Taxonomy, Inspera Assessment will provide a high quality live data analysis across topics/subjects. With this advanced data analysis, customers obtain better insight into the quality of the digitisation process.

What is the impact of Learning Analytics Beta version?

We have released Learning Analytics in Beta to gain targeted experience within data usage in combination with all the different test types that are possible to create within Inspera Assessment. There are also a few notable items in the current version:

  • Older tests can have missing or less accurate calculation of time spent per question, this and derived values could therefore be wrong.
  • The usage of advanced scoring rules, such as negative marks, marks per alternative, threshold values on questions, and bands and criteria, can affect the values in such a way that they can be hard to interpret.
  • Questions with manual scoring, can be left unmarked by a marker. In these cases, values as average score, P-value and correlation will not be correct.

The best approach for solving the above-listed issues, is something we want to investigate further before a general release.