Installation of Inspera Scan

Installation of Inspera Scan

Inspera Scan is Inspera's Handwriting Scan Examination Software, which enables you to easily scan drawings with colors, preview drawings, and re-register question codes.

Installation of scanner on PC

Download the installation file "InsperaScan Installasjon" - If you have not received this, please contact support@inspera.no

The file contains three subfolders:

  • Driver Installasjon
  • Scantoolplug Installasjon
  • InsperaScan Installasjon

Step 1

Install Scantron Driver.

Remember! Do not connect the scanner to the computer yet.

This is what you do:

  1. Open the Setup.exe file in the "Driver Installasjon" folder
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions
  3. Select scanner: "iNSIGHT 20 PLUSS"
  4. Complete the calibration procedure
  5. Select "Run Calibration" and follow the onscreen instructions

Step 2

Install ScanToolPluss

This is what you do:

  1. Open the Scantoolplussruntime.exe file from the "Scantoolplug Installasjon" folder
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions
  3. When this is done, you will not get any message, the program closes.

Step 3

Install Inspera Scan

This is what you do:

  1. Open the Setup.exe file in the "InsperaScan Installasjon" folder
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions
  3. When the installation is complete you will be able to open the Inspera Scan application