Custom interactions
Custom interactions
Inspera Assessment supports Custom Interaction API allowing customers to build specialised question types and stimuli elements with JavaScript or other tools such as Geogebra and Desmos, which still can be exchanged through IMS Question and Test Interoperability (IMS Global QTI) specification and IMS Global Portable Custom Interactions (IMS Global PCI) specification.
What is a Custom Interaction?
A Custom Interaction is a standard way for bespoke interaction types to be represented and exchanged as part of a IMS Global QTI XML.
How is Inspera Assessment supporting IMS Global PCI?
Custom Interactions in Inspera Assessment makes it possible to use external tools, either developed with custom JavaScript or existing ones like GeoGebra and Desmos, to be used as a:
- Auto-marked question type
- Stimulus in any of the standard question types in Inspera Assessment
- Stimulus in a section
- Global resource accessible across the whole test