API to control test settings

v 1.0

This document covers documentation of v1/test/{testID}/options API and functions allowed to perform on test settings.

General information

Release date: Oct 2, 2020

Technical documentation: https://ia.inspera.no/apidoc/#/test/setTestOptions

API will allow for set/update/remove of test settings through integration endpoints. The settings are following standard setting groupings of Inspera Assessment “Deliver” module settings and options:

  • General settings Released

  • Security Released

  • Exam day released

  • After test Released

  • Grading workflow under development

  • Explanation of grades Released

For more in-depth documentation regarding feature releases, please see section “Recent changes” in this document.

Future releases (estimated, not confirmed)


Recent changes


v 1.0

Release: Oct 2, 2020







Security options

API section model:

"securityOptions": [ "SEB_SETTINGS_PINCODE": "string", "LOCKDOWN_BROWSER" : boolean (default false), "LOCKDOWN_QUIT_CODE" : "string", "LOCKDOWN_CHROME_KIOSK": boolean (default false) ]

Important conditions:

  • "LOCKDOWN_QUIT_CODE" (invigilator password) is shared for Chromebook and SEB lockdown. If value is sent as update for one option, it will automatically be valid for both SEB and Chromebook settings

  • "SEB_SETTINGS_PINCODE" must be minimum 6 characters long and consist of both letters and numbers. Other language characters than English are not supported, only printable ASCII characters!

  • Security settings can only be changed until test is activated

API section body example:

{ "testOptions": { "securityOptions": [ { "option": "SEB_SETTINGS_PINCODE", "value": "seb123" }, { "option": "LOCKDOWN_BROWSER", "value": true }, { "option": "LOCKDOWN_QUIT_CODE", "value": "exitlockdown" }, { "option": "LOCKDOWN_CHROME_KIOSK", "value": true } ] } }


Explanation options

API section model

"explanationOptions": [ "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_ADMINISTRATION_ENABLED" : boolean (default false) "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_REQUESTED_FOR_ALL_GRADES" : boolean (default false) "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_DIRECTLY_TO_CANDIDATES_ENABLED" : boolean (default false) "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_DEADLINE_ENABLED" : boolean (default false) "EXPLANATION_DEADLINE" : string(date-time) ]

Important conditions:

  • "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_ADMINISTRATION_ENABLED" must be set to “true” before other settings in section can be changed

  • When updating of explanation settings, "EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_ADMINISTRATION_ENABLED" can be omitted if it is set to “true” in previous call

  • When disabling all explanation settings, only"EXPLANATION_OF_GRADES_ADMINISTRATION_ENABLED" = false needs to be sent in api call.

API section body example:


v 1.1

release Nov 6, 2020

Exam day options

API section model:

Important conditions:

Settings that can be changed after test activation:






Settings that cannot be changed after test activation:



v 1.2

release Dec 3, 2020

General options

API section model:

API section body example:


v 1.3

release Jan 7, 2021

After test options

API section model:


API section body example:

Return codes


Code information


Code information


Successful operation


No input data or invalid data provided


Permission denied


Could not resolve test from provided data


External Id of test data does not match provided data


Internal server error, please contact Inspera support