How to install the Inspera Assessment lock-down browser for Chromebook


Regular Chromebooks

Verify that you can run kiosk applications

Regular Chromebooks require kiosk mode available to install kiosk applications

Verify that kiosk mode is available:

If there is a button called "Manage Kiosk applications" you can continue to install the Inspera Assessment kiosk application

If this button is not there, you have to reset your Chromebook to factory settings.

Follow the instructions at to reset the Chromebook

Make kiosk mode available:

    • After reset, choose Language and Wi-Fi
    • BEFORE you log in with username and password - make kiosk mode available by pressing CTRK-ALT-K
    • Log in, open Chrome and install the kiosk application

How to install Inspera Assessment kiosk application on a regular Chromebook

Install the application from

Make Inspera Assessment available as a kiosk application:

  1. Go to chrome://extensions
  2. Enter developer mode
  3. Click on "Manage kiosk applications" (Note: this is only available for the first user to log on to the device after factory reset)
  4. Paste in the url

To use the application - log out and start the application from "Apps" next to "Shutdown"

Read more here:

Administered Chromebooks  RECOMMENDED

  1. Log into the Admin console for your organisation
  2. Click on Device management
  3. Open Chrome management
  4. Click on Device Settings
  5. Choose the organisation that will have the Inspera Assessment kiosk application installed
  6. Scroll down to Kiosk Settings and click on Manage Kiosk Applications

Enter this URL:

Use this ID: jpaaknbngjmabmjefmfpglmpkllcidbg

The users in the chosen organisation should get access to the application within one hour. If it takes longer, it might help to restart the device.

For more details: