How to configure SEB versions supported

How to configure SEB versions supported


A university can limit the versions of SEB that are allowed for exams. A university can limit the allowed versions to e.g. newest versions for Windows and MAC. If a university decides to support several versions for Windows and Mac, the newest versions will be downloadable in Inspera Assessment. 

Let us know 

Use Service Desk to let us know if your university wants to limit the supported SEB versions.  

Future and older SEB versions

When a new version of SEB is released for Windows or Mac OS, Inspera will test the release as soon as possible. If the SEB version meets our requirements, we will inform all our customers and add the version to our system requirements pages.

All students will then be able to use the new SEB version.

We also expect to remove support for older versions of SEB - this will be announced in advance.  

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