

Planner Check List



Are all contributors invited?

As a rule, Graders are synchronized from FS. Add Co-planners, Chief-Invigilators, Invigilators and Authors manually.

Are Questions Quality Assured?

Follow the Author Checklist to make sure everything is ready


Are Time Settings correct?

Time settings are set manually or synced from FS.

Is Test Information correct?

Make sure students get important information before the exam starts.

Are settings for Candidate User Experience set correctly?

Make sure students can navigate between questions the way you want it.


Should the Sketch tool be enabled?

The Sketch Tool let candidates create freehand drawings in the Text Editor using their mouse, stylus pad or touch screen.

Should Spell Checker be enabled for all candidates?

Spell Checker can be enabled for all candidates at once, or individually in the candidate list.


Should Grader comments be shared with candidates?

Share comments and correct answers with candidates



Is Safe Exam Browser enabled?

Safe Exam Browser changes any computer into a secure workstation and prevents unauthorised resources being used during an exam. 

Is Invigilator Password set?

As a Planner you can define a Password that is only known to Invigilators 

Are Backup computers with SEB available to Invigilators and Chief Invigilators?




Are all candidates assigned?

Candidates are imported, manually added or synchronized from FS.

Should candidates be grouped?

Review settings for Individual Delivery or Group Delivery



Should any candidates be allowed Extra Time?

Individual Extra Time is synchronized from FS, but can also be set directly in the Candidate List.


Should any candidates be allowed Spell Checker?

Spell Checker can be set on an individual basis in the Candidate List.

Should any candidates be exempt from Safe Exam Browser?

Exempt candidates from SEB using the "Exempt from Lockdown Browser" in the Delivering Tool.

Should any candidates be exempt from computer-based delivery?

No pre-exam actions needed. Just use the "Attach file" feature in the Delivering Tool to upload the candidate paper.


Is the Grade Scale set correctly?

Grade Scale can not be changed after activation.

Have you uploaded a Grader Guide?

Grader Guides are highly recommended. Upload any document type (Word, PDF, etc).

Are Preliminary Threshold Values ok?

Defining Threshold Values without real scores is guesswork, and should be settled in the Grading Tool when all candidates has complete scores.




Have you activated the test?

Activating a test makes it visible on Student Dashboards. Email invitations are also sent to graders.





Are your Notification Settings Up To Date?

Stay in the loop by subscribing email notifications for events that are important to you.



Are your students prepared?

Share Student preparation guides and create Demo Exams well in advance.

Are your Authors prepared?

We created Author Check List and How-To Guides to reduce your workload.

Are your Invigilators prepared?

Chief-Invigilators and Invigilators should be familiar with the Exam Day Procedures and Who Does What when everything runs smoothly, and when it doesn't.

Are your Graders prepared?

Help your graders onboard by sharing the Grader How-To Guides well in advance.