Test Code

Test Code

Instead of assigning candidates before the test starts, you can invite candidates by sharing a test code. 

Requires activation

The feature requires activation, and it only works together with SSO login. 

When the feature is activated, you will have the option to choose between adding candidates to test, and invite candidates by sharing test code. 

If you change the setting to invite by sharing test code, the option to add candidates will be removed. Instead, you get a message telling you that the test code will be available after the test has been activated. This test code has the following format:


The first three letters are unique to the institution/school.
When the test is activated, the test code can be distributed to those who will take the test.

Candidate experience:

The candidate logs into Inspera Assessment as they normally would, by using their SSO credentials.

There is a blue button where the candidate can register the test code. If the candidate is assigned to tests already, this button can be found at the end of the list.
Once the code is registered, the test will be available in "My tests". If the test window is open, the candidate can start the test immediately.


Once the candidate has registered the test code, the candidate list will be updated with the specific candidate information.

It is possible to have anonymous candidates in combination with test code, but the most common is to have non-anonymous candidates. 
The setting for anonymous or non-anonymous candidates can be found in the general test settings. This setting cannot be changed after activation.

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