Author an Oral Exam

Author an Oral Exam

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Norwegian: Forfatte en muntlig prøve and Oppgavetype - Muntlig

English: Author an Oral Exam and Question type Oral 


Inspera Assessment's oral question type is for oral examinations where the test taker is not required to submit a product. The question type allows for exam and test planners to distribute links to any video conference system that the test center/institiution prefers as well as instructions on the oral examination to each candidate and other markers or graders/external markers, in a structured way. Using this question type makes it possible to do all exam management (planning, handling candidates/test takers, time/grading scale/markers and graders as well as feedback) digitally in a uniform way regardless of whether the assessment type is an oral examination or a product submission (video, audio, multiple choice, essay).

To prepare a question set for oral or practical exam, create a question set and add one or more questions of the Oral type.
Note that a question set to be used in an oral or practical exam can not include other question types, only the Oral type.