Translate Questions and Question Sets

Translate Questions and Question Sets

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Norwegian: Oversetting av oppgaver og oppgavesett

English: Translate Questions and Questions Sets

How to create questions in multiple languages.

Inspera Assessment supports multiple language versions of each question and question set. In this way, you can easily create and present questions and question sets in the correct language for each candidate.

It is of great importance that the "original" language is 100 % finished before it is translated. It is not possible to add new interactions after the translation has been done.

How-To-Guide for translating question sets

In question set edit mode, the language settings for the question are placed in the top centre. When the original language version of the question set is ready, click on the settings wheel to edit the language settings:

Select the languages the question set should be available in:
"Not translated" is displayed until the question is edited. The system does not recognize whether a question is actually translated correctly, so ensure to QA the translations.
Click on the question you want to translate. In the edit mode, translate the question text, prompt and the alternatives if applicable.  
Remember, only the text is to be changed. The marks, main illustration etc. remains the same for all language versions. 
When the question is translated, click "Save" and navigate to the next question to be translated. 


How-To-Guide for translating questions

In question edit mode, the language settings for the question are placed in the top centre. Click on the settings wheel to edit the language settings:

In the language settings dialogue box, excisting language versions are marked green, while supported languages are listed below:

Check the box to add the wanted language (here the language "Norwegian" is checked), and click "Save". Mark the warning in the bottom of the box: "You will not be able to add new interactions when a language is added!".

When "Save" is clicked, the new language version is added, and will be active in the top centre in edit view:

Finally, you finish the translate process by typing/pasting the translations.

Note, the prompt in a question can also be translated. 

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