Multiple Response

Multiple Response

This article will no longer be updated. New article available at support.inspera.com.

Norwegian: Oppgavetype flervalg (flere svar)

English: Question type Multiple response

Automatic evaluation. Question with multiple correct answers.

To edit the fields specific to this question type, click the interaction area (where you can see the different alternatives).

Specific options


This is the text that will appear above the alternatives.


Use this section to update the text of each alternative. You can also add or remove alternatives.
Don't forget to have one or more alternatives set as the correct answer(s)! (Use the green squares to the left of the alternatives.)

You can add three types of alternatives: Plain text, LaTeX, or images. Any images added will be automatically scaled to 150 pixels.

Layout can be either vertical (default) or horizontal.


You have the option to randomize the order of the alternatives when the students are seeing the question.

General options


  • Marks per correct answer:the amount of points the student will score for each correct answer to this question.
  • Marks per wrong answer: the amount of points the student will score for each incorrect answer to this question. Use negative values if you want to penalize the student.
  • Marks for unanswered: marks given if the question as a whole is left unanswered.
  • By alternative: enabling this option will allow you to set a score per alternative (navigate to the editing of the alternatives to see the new fields for score).

Main Illustration

Add an image or an embed code. Click here to learn more. Remember to preview your question by clicking the preview icon on the top right.

PDF Panel

Attach a PDF. The PDF will not be visible in question edit mode, preview your question to ensure it is displayed correctly. Click here to learn more. 


Use labels to tag your questions with, for example, specific subjects. You can later use the labels to easily find your questions in the question bank. Click here to learn more. 

Navigation Bar

At the bottom of the screen you will find a navigation bar. This bar allows you to quickly jump from question to question without having to visit the test overview.

Furthermore, the navigation bar presents a shortcut for creating a new question (with an optional checkbox to create a question of the same type as the one you are editing). This functionality streamlines the question creation process by not forcing the user to visit the test overview.

Denne artikkelen vil ikke lenger oppdateres. Ny artikkel finnes på support.inspera.com.

Norsk: Oppgavetype flervalg (flere svar)

Engelsk: Question type Multiple response

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